Eye clinic liaison officers (ECLOs) are available throughout Moorfields networked sites to assist those living with sight loss. This includes patients, their relatives and carers.
The ECLOs at City Road will explain the process of registration and complete the clerical section of the CVI with the patient, if this is agreed by the consultant ophthalmologist, who will complete the clinical section.
The sensory impairment department helps anyone who has a degree of sight loss. They are able to provide services like social work support, general advice, vision rehabilitation, practical support and mobility training.
Our drop in service is open from 9am - 5pm, Monday-Friday. The ECLO office is located on the ground floor of the hospital (next to the cashiers’ office).
The health information hub, managed by the Friends of Moorfields is situated near the main entrance of Moorfields at City Road.
Patients, their carers and families are welcome to drop by the hub and have an informal chat with our (ECLO qualified) health hub support officer, Sabina Uddin, who can provide more information about specific eye conditions, and signpost patients, their carers and families to further support and information available at and beyond Moorfields.
Call: 020 7253 3411 ext 2670 or email: sabina.uddin1@nhs.net