Moorfields Booking Centre
Moorfields Eye Hospital
162 City Road
London, EC1V 2PD
Staffed by experienced ophthalmic nurses from:
Moorfields A&E requires GPs and Optometrists to call prior to sending emergencies so that patients may be booked into the correct service or facility.
If a patient is already under the care of another unit, then please refer them there in the first instance.
Call 020 7521 4682
For professionals referring to A&E ONLY
Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust at St. Georges
Blackshaw Road,
SW17 0QT
We are available Monday to Friday from 9am – 5pm.
Referrals for retinoblastoma should be made to Mr Sagoo and Mr Reddy, consultant ophthalmologists in retinoblastoma, as follows:
Retinoblastoma Unit
Royal London Hospital
London, E1 1BB
Ocular Oncology Service
Moorfields Eye Hospital
City Road
All GP referrals must be made via the ERS system.
Providing confidential advice and support, assistance sorting out any concerns and guiding patients through the different services available.