Moorfields at Stratford

Moorfields at Stratford

15-19 Broadway


E15 4BQ

0207 702 5551

Moorfields Stratford

About Moorfields at Stratford


Moorfields at Stratford provides eye care services to patients across east and north-east London. With its operating theatres, the site brings together a range of diagnostic, consultant-led outpatient, and surgical eye care services under one roof.

Stratford is our second largest standalone site (after City Road) and provides around 70,000 appointments per year.

The site also provides support services to patients, including a low vision clinic, a specialist pharmacy, and access to our eye clinic liaison officers (ECLOs) who offer emotional and practical support for those facing sight loss.  

Getting to Moorfields at Stratford

By bus

Over 20 bus routes converge on Stratford town centre, 3 minutes away, with several routes stopping in front of the new site.


By train

Stratford station, 5 minutes away, is a hub for national and local rail services for Essex and the East, London Overground services, DLR and the Central, Jubilee and Elizabeth lines.

DLR trains run from Stratford station to Stratford High Street, and on to West Ham and the District line for Barking and Dagenham. 

Stratford High Street station is 3 minutes’ walk from the proposed new facility, with no busy roads to cross. 

Both Stratford and Stratford High Street stations are fully accessible.


By car

Moorfields at Stratford is on Stratford Broadway, opposite the Stratford shopping centre.

Patients can be dropped off on Chant Street.

Parking at Stratford

Car parks*

The nearest car parks to Moorfields at Stratford are at Stratford Town Hall (0.1 miles away, limited spaces) and Stratford Multi-Storey (0.3 miles away).

* Moorfields Eye Hospital Foundation Trust does not run or have any affiliation with any of these car parks. Drivers park there at their own risk. 

Outpatient waiting list

From 1 September 2024 we are making changes to how we manage our follow-up appointment process. 

For more information about these changes and what they mean for you visit our post appointment page. If you have any further questions, please do contact us using the contact information provided. 

Follow-up appointment frequently asked questions

Why are you making changes to how my outpatient appointments are made?

We want to improve your experience as a patient at Moorfields by making the process of booking your next outpatient appointment more efficient. The new process will reduce the number of cancellations made, which will further increase the efficiency of our clinics, ensuring patients are seen when they need to be. 

Instead of providing you with a date for your next appointment when you are next in clinic, you will be placed on a managed list for your specific condition and your appointment will be booked on a date determined by the clinician who is managing your care. 

This means you will receive your appointment date closer to the time you are due to be seen. For example, if you are scheduled to see us for a follow-up in six months’ time, we’d contact you with your appointment details approximately 6 weeks ahead of the date you are due in. 

Those patients who need to be seen sooner, or reviewed more regularly, will still be provided with an appointment time before they leave clinic. 

Do I need to contact my clinic?

The new process will happen automatically, so you are not required to take any action, unless you need to tell us of a change in your contact details. If you need to update your contact details or communication preferences, please email if you are a patient at City Road.

For patients at other Moorfields sites, please contact your clinic using the contact details you will have received in previous communications from us. 


What if I can’t make the appointment date you give me?

If you are unable to attend the date provided, you will be able to contact us to arrange a date that is more suitable for you. There will be a contact phone number and email address on your appointment letter. 


What if I am worried about my sight/eye health in between appointments and feel I need to be seen sooner?

If you feel that your condition does not require emergency attention, but you need to be seen before your next scheduled appointment, please contact us as soon as possible using the information provided on your previous letter from us.  

The clinician in charge of your care will, if required, arrange for you to be seen sooner, or they may give you advice on how to manage your condition in the time between your appointments, for example. 

If you have serious concerns about your eye health, or if you experience sudden sight loss, it’s important that you let us know straight away. To do this, you can use our A&E service at City Road or log on to our online A&E platform, where you will be able to speak to a doctor. 

If you do not live close to London, or cannot access our online A&E service, please go straight to your nearest eye care unit. 


What support can I get from Moorfields to help manage my eye condition in between appointments?

Please continue to follow the healthcare advice given to you by your team between appointments. If you are required to administer eye drops to keep your condition stable, please do so. If you need any further support, you can speak to one of our nurses via the nurse-led helpline on 0207 566 2345. 

If you experience sudden sight loss, or eye injury, please attend your nearest eye care unit or log on to our online A&E service.


Who can I speak to about how my appointments are managed?

If you have any questions about your appointment, please contact the information on the appointment letter or text message provided. If you have any concerns or complaints about your care, you can contact our Patient Advice and Liaison (PALs) team by calling the team on 020 7566 2324, or by emailing them at