Colourful children's toys on a carpet

Children's orthoptics in Croydon

What to expect at your child's visit

We understand that visiting a hospital for tests can be a very scary experience for children. Not knowing what will happen can cause anxiety for the child, their grown-ups and their wider support network.

We have made this page to help everyone be prepared for what to expect during your visit, and to know that there is nothing to be scared of. 

What is Orthoptics?

Orthoptics is the diagnosis, management and treatment of strabismus (squint), eye movement disorders and visual development problems.
Orthoptists are specially trained health professionals and we work alongside optometrists and doctors (ophthalmologists) as part of the eye team.

We are specialists in assessing eye movements and vision and work with patients of all ages. We can use a variety of tests and methods to assess vision even if your child is very young or has special educational needs.

You can find out more on our orthoptic department page. 

Child undergoing an eye examination

Where is the clinic held?

Hospital waiting area with blue chairs

Orthoptic clinics are held in Moorfields Eye Clinic at Croydon University Hospital, located on the second floor, London Wing. There are signs to guide you from the main entrance. Once you reach the Eye Clinic, you will find orthoptics at the far end of the department. Please make sure you check in when you arrive.

We also have children’s clinics at our community clinics at Sanderstead Clinic in South Croydon and Parkway Health Centre in New Addington.

Parking is limited at Croydon University Hospital. There are some parking spaces within the hospital site and paid parking in the roads surrounding the hospital.

Croydon University Hospital is served by a number of buses including 60, 64, 109, 198, 250 and 289  

Visit Croydon Health Services pages for more information. 

What happens at the appointment?

Your child will be seen by the orthoptist at their first visit. We will ask you about any concerns you have with your child’s eyes and for information about their health, any family history of eye problems and their birth history. We will assess your child’s vision, even if they are too young to know letters, and check if their eyes are working together.

We can adapt our testing for very young children and for those with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND).

For first visits, your child may also see an optometrist and/or a doctor for a glasses check and to check the health of the eyes. These tests require drops in the eyes to dilate the pupils first.

The eye drops (cyclopentolate) usually take about 30-60 minutes to work. Your child's near vision will become blurry for several hours and they will become sensitive to sunlight. It is therefore advisable to bring sunglasses/sunhat. The drops allow us to check accurately for glasses and give a good view inside the eyes.

The effects of the drops wear off within 24 hours. Please note parental consent is required for eye drops.

We will discuss our results and treatment plan with you.

Please allow around 2-3 hours for your child's first appointment.

For some children, we split the appointments up over different days and can give you the drops to use at home before attending if one long appointment is too much for them.

We are happy to discuss this with you if you think it would be helpful for your child.

Follow up visits

Most of your child’s visits will be to see the orthoptist and these appointments are much shorter. Some children need to see the doctor (ophthalmologist) regularly but many only need to see the orthoptist and optometrist.


  • Playroom
  • Toilet with baby changing table
  • Children’s waiting area
Looking into Croydon University Hospital's children's play room

Community clinics at Sanderstead and New Addington

These are held at community health centres and are run by the orthoptist and optometrist. They are smaller clinics and are particularly suitable for children with special needs who don’t need to see the eye doctor. There is parking outside both clinics and they are accessible by public transport.

The waiting areas are shared with other services so we don’t have space for a play area.

Any Questions?

Please contact us if you have any questions about your appointment or if you wish to discuss your child’s needs before you attend. The easiest way to get in touch is to email us:  or you can call on 0207 702 5544