Ocular Oncology

This service diagnoses and treats adult ocular tumours, most of which are benign.

Moorfields is one of only four centres in the UK to offer this highly specialist ocular oncology service, treating tumours of the eye. Many tumours, such as a cyst, haemorrhage or naevus (mole) are benign.

As well as benign vascular tumours, intraocular lymphoma and uveal tract metastases, we treat a rare type of eye cancer called uveal tract melanoma. This is a very rare cancer with approximately 600 new cases diagnosed each year in England. In addition, we treat patient with ocular surface tumours such as conjunctival lymphoma, conjunctival melanoma/primary acquired melanosis, squamous cell carcinoma and associated conjunctival intraepithelial neoplasia.

We do not treat retinoblastoma (an eye cancer that affects children). This service is provided by Barts Health NHS Trust as part of their children’s department.

Making an appointment

You should see your GP or optician in the first instance. If he or she decides that your eye condition needs to be investigated by more specialist staff, they will arrange for you to have an outpatient appointment with Moorfields or another eye-care provider.  If you choose to be treated at Moorfields, we will send you a letter confirming the date, time and location of your appointment with us.


Where can I find information about specific conditions?

Information about several of the more common eye conditions is available on our website. Simply click on the drop down menu on the homepage and click on the condition you’re interested in. For some conditions, you’ll also be able to download patient information leaflets about specific conditions. We’ll be adding information about further eye conditions in future.

Please call the communications team on 020 7566 2628 if you would like any of our patient information literature in an alternative format such as a plain word document, large print or Braille, and we will arrange this for you.


In which locations do we offer this service?

Outpatient appointments are held at Moorfields Eye Hospital in City Road. Surgery takes place at St Bartholomew’s Hospital in West Smithfield.


Our short video provides advice and guidance on recovery and care after the removal of an eye. 

video transcript

National Cancer Patient Experience Survey - share your views of your care at Moorfields.

Moorfields is committed to ensuring patients diagnosed with eye cancer receive the best care.
The National Cancer Patient Experience Survey is open for you to share your views on how we can achieve that.
You may receive a printed version in the post, but you can also complete it online at https://bit.ly/ocular-cancer