Man on the phone at home

Contact us

We have many different ways to contact us depending on your needs.

For specific clinic and hospital details visit our locations directory.

Contact information for our locations

General information

General enquiries - main switchboard

Your call will be answered by an automatic system which will ask you for the name or department you require.  If you don't know who you need, simply say 'operator' and you'll be put through to one of our switchboard staff who will be able to put you through to the right person or department.


Call 0207 253 3411


Cashiers reimburse costs Monday to Friday 9.30am-4pm.

For afternoon appointments please visit the cashiers’ office before your appointment.

Cashiers do not deal with transport inquiries.


Call 0207 566 2400 Email cashiers

Patient transport assessment centre

For queries about patient transport.


Call 0333 240 4909


Monday to Friday 9am-5.30pm.  

Out of hours contact call 020 7253 3411 or visit our A&E at City Road, open 24 hours for eye emergencies only.


Call 0207 566 2362

Offer praise or thank team members

If you have had a great experience with an individual, a team or a department please let us know and we share your thoughts with them.


Call 0207 566 2324 Email to praise or thank a team member

Raise a query or concern

In person: You can visit the complaints manager in the PALS office which can be found on the ground floor of our City Road hospital between 9am and 5pm.


Call 0207 566 2324 Email to raise a query or concern

Make a formal complaint

The complaints manager
Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
162 City Road


Call 0207 253 3411 Email to make a complaint

Data Protection Officer

Data protection officers (DPOs) assist you to monitor internal compliance, inform and advise on your data protection obligations, provide advice regarding Data Protection Impact.


Email DPO

New patients / referrals

If you are a new patient, or have recently been referred, to Moorfields Eye Hospital

New patient contact centre

Please call this number or send us an email if you:
  1. Have been referred for a new appointment, and are enquiring about the status of your referral
  2. Have a new appointment booked and would like to reschedule or you have a query

Please note that our phone lines are extremely busy so please do email us if possible, and remember to include your full name, patient / NHS number, DOB, postcode and the best number to contact you on. 


Call 0207 566 2357 Email new patients contact centre team

Cancel / change appointments - existing patients

Please call the location where your appointment is booked.


Contact the Barking team to change or cancel your appointment.

This number is for Barking existing / outpatients. 


Call 0203 644 2320

Bedford Hospital South

Contact the Bedford Hospital South team to change or cancel your appointment.

This number is for Bedford existing / outpatients. 


Call 01234 792290

Brent Cross Diagnostic Hub

Contact the Brent Cross team to change or cancel your appointment.

This number is for Brent Cross existing / outpatients. 


Call 0207 702 5549

City Road

Please note that our phone lines are extremely busy so please do email us if possible, and remember to include your full name, patient / NHS number, DOB, postcode and the best number to contact you on. 


Call 0207 566 2357 Email to change or cancel your City Road appointment

Croydon University Hospital

Please note that our phone lines are extremely busy so please do email us if possible, and remember to include your full name, patient / NHS number, DOB, postcode and the best number to contact you on. 


Call 0207 702 5544 Email to change or cancel your Croydon University Hospital appointment

Croydon Vision

Contact the Croydon Vision team to change or cancel your appointment.

This number is for Croydon Vision existing / outpatients. 


Call 0207 702 5544

Ealing Hospital

Contact the Ealing Hospital team to change or cancel your appointment.

This number is for Ealing Hospital existing / outpatients. 


Call 0207 702 5546

Homerton Hospital

Contact the Homerton Hospital team to change or cancel your appointment.

This number is for Homerton existing / outpatients. 


Call 0208 510 5555 ext 7167


Please note that our phone lines are extremely busy so please do email us if possible, and remember to include your full name, patient / NHS number, DOB, postcode and the best number to contact you on. 


Call 0207 253 3411 Email to change or cancel your Hoxton appointment

Nelson Health Centre

Contact the Nelson Health Centre team to change or cancel your appointment.

This number is for Nelson Health Centre existing / outpatients. 


Call 0207 702 5542

Northwick Park

Please note that our phone lines are extremely busy so please do email us if possible, and remember to include your full name, patient / NHS number, DOB, postcode and the best number to contact you on. 


Call 0207 702 5543 Email to change or cancel your Northwick Park appointment

Parkway Health Centre

Contact the Parkway Health Centre team to change or cancel your appointment.

This number is for Parkway Health Centre existing / outpatients. 


Call 0207 702 5544

Potter's Bar

Contact the Potter's Bar team to change or cancel your appointment.

This number is for Potter's Bar existing / outpatients. 


Call 0207 702 5550

Purley War Memorial Hospital

Contact the Purely War Memorial Hospital team to change or cancel your appointment.

This number is for Purely War Memorial Hospital existing / outpatients. 


Call 0207 702 5544

Queen Mary's Hospital

Contact the Queen Mary's Hospital team to change or cancel your appointment.

This number is for Queen Mary's Hospital existing / outpatients. 


Call 0207 702 5542

Richard Desmond Children's Eye Centre (RDCEC)

Contact the Richard Desmond Children's Eye Centre team to change or cancel your appointment.

This number is for Richard Desmond Children's Eye Centre  existing / outpatients. 


Call 0207 253 3411

Sanderstead Health Centre

Contact the Sanderstead Health Centre team to change or cancel your appointment.

This number is for Sanderstead Health Centre existing / outpatients. 


Call 0207 702 5544

St Ann's Hospital

Contact the St Ann's Hospital team to change or cancel your appointment on 0207 566 2841/2626

This number is for St Ann's Hospital existing / outpatients. 


Call 0207 566 2841 / 2626

St Bartholomew's Hospital

Contact the St Bartholomew's Hospital team to change or cancel your appointment.

This number is for St Bartholomew's Hospital existing / outpatients. 


Call 0207 377 7000

St George's Hospital

Contact the St George's Hospital team to change or cancel your appointment.

This number is for St George's Hospital existing / outpatients. 


Call 0207 702 5542


Contact the Stratford team to change or cancel your appointment.

This number is for Stratford existing / outpatients. 


Call 0207 702 5551

Urgent care

Moorfields A&E at City Road

This is a 24-hour service for eye emergencies only. 

162 City Road,




Call 0207 253 3411

St. George’s Hospital Urgent Care Clinic

Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust at St. Georges

Blackshaw Road,

SW17 0QT


Call 0208 266 6115

Moorfields Direct

Our helpline is staffed by knowledgeable ophthalmic nurses from:

  • 9am to 9pm, Monday to Friday.
  • 9am to 5pm on Saturdays. 


Call 0207 566 2345

Virtual Consultation

Moorfields A&E online video consultation (Attend Anywhere) service.

A&E runs a video consultation service, which can be accessed at any time without an appointment, using the City Road - A&E Virtual Registration

Patient support teams

Eye clinic liaison officers (ECLOs)

For practical information and rehabilitation advice on living with sight loss.


Call 0207 566 2718

Certificate of Visual Impairment team (CVI)

For information and advice about formal registration of visual impairment.


Call 0207 566 2355


Emotional support, information and advice for patients and their relatives.


Call 0207 566 2385

Patient advice liaison service (PALS)

Providing confidential advice and support, assistance sorting out any concerns and guiding patients through the different services available.


Call 0207 566 2324 or 0207 566 2325 Email PALS

Visual aids

Spectacle / glasses dispensing

Staff in this service provide spectacles for adults and children to treat certain eye conditions.  Our spectacle dispensing service is one of the largest of its type within the UK.

Other clinical queries 0207 566 2101

Call 0207 566 2103

Contact lens orders

Staff in our contact lens service treat patients whose vision cannot be improved with spectacles, but can be improved with contact lenses.

Appointment information 0207 566 2357

Contact lens orders 0207 566 2100


Call 0207 566 2100 Email contact lens team

Low vision assessment (LVA)

Where good vision cannot be achieved with spectacles or contact lenses, patients can be assessed in our low vision clinic.


Call 0207 566 2105 Email the LVA team

Moorfields community

Moorfields Eye Charity

You can also visit Moorfields Eye Charity website


Call 0207 566 2565 Email Moorfields Eye Charity

Friends of Moorfields

You can also visit Moorfields Friends website


Call 0207 251 1240 Email Moorfields Friends

Research and innovation

Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust,
2nd floor, 162 City Road,


Email research and innovation

Education and training

If you have a question regarding a course at Moorfields.


Email the education team

Moorfields Vacancies

If you want to be part delivering world class eye health services and you share our values: excellence, equity, and kindness, please view our vacancies.

Apply for a role

Moorfields Private

Moorfields Private is the London-based private division of Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. Their financial surplus is re-invested back into Moorfields to support NHS services.


Call 0800 328 3421

Membership council

As an NHS Foundation Trust, Moorfields Eye Hospital is a membership organisation, accountable to our members.


Call 0207 566 2490 Contact membership council

For healthcare professionals

Moorfields healthcare team

For Healthcare Professionals only.

This email address is for healthcare professionals outside of Moorfields Eye Hospital to contact the Moorfields healthcare team.

This email address is not for direct patient correspondence and may not be answered. 

If you are a patient please use the details provided on this page to contact the team you need, or call our general switchboard on 020 7253 3411



Press Office

The press office is available from Monday to Friday from 9am – 5pm and manages all media relations at the trust, including journalist enquiries and filming and photography requests.

If you have an urgent media enquiry out of hours, please call the main switchboard on 020 7253 3411 and ask to speak with the press officer on call.


Call 0207 566 2628 Email Moorfields press office

Website team

If you have any questions, comments or recommendations for the website please contact the website team.

This email address is not for direct patient correspondence and may not be answered. 

If you are a patient please use the details provided on this page to contact the team you need, or call our general switchboard on 020 7253 3411

Email the website team