#HelloMyNameIs... Mark Redhead

We caught up with Mark Redhead, associate director of strategy and system partnerships.

Mark has been working at Moorfields for four and a half years. His role includes, responding to the latest changes in NHS structures, refreshing our 2022-2027 corporate strategy with patients and staff, working with service directors and managers on a new set of service strategies and so on. Mark is also the project lead for the organisation in achieving our Veteran Aware accreditation.

The best advice I was given is to observe and listen. It helps so much in understanding people’s perspectives and what is going on.

Has there been one example or situation which has made you feel an additional sense of pride working at Moorfields and why?

I see things which make me proud every day. The way the organisation provided national leadership for eye care services during the Covid pandemic was particularly special. Our leadership in the digital space is also so impressive. But really it is each and every thing that everyone does to provide excellent care – it’s so motivating to be a part of that.

Equity is one of our values. What does this mean to you and how do you strive for it in your everyday working life?

From a strategic perspective I think it is about making the most of integrated care systems and population health to reimagine a health service that is there for everyone when they need it. From a human perspective it is about being more inclusive and creating systems that command the confidence of all communities.

What would your colleagues be surprised to discover about you?

I was the lead trade union official at the BMA when the clinical academic contract and pay deal was last negotiated and translated to university staff.

What makes you happy?

Time to think, and not think at all.

Mark Redhead

Kindness is one of our values. What does this mean to you and how do you strive for it in your everyday working life? Can you give an example of how you have been kind?

I am so glad that we have adopted equity and kindness as our values. Some have said that kindness is hard to define, but I believe we all know unkindness when we see it. For me one aspect of being kind is to try and appreciate what it is like to be in another person’s shoes and to connect with them from a position of empathy.